Olga Deutsch
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[Opinion] UNRWA is the tip of the iceberg at United Nations
Olga Deutsch analyzes decisions to freeze funds to UNRWA.
[Opinion] Western NGOs Helped Radicalize Palestine, Now They Can Help Deradicalize It
Olga Deutsch writes on how there must be a more hands-on approach to monitoring and tracking aid.
[Opinion] Let's Make Sure Humanitarian NGOs Stand For Human Rights
Olga Deutsch analyzes how NGOs have failed at advocating human rights in Israel.
[Opinion] Glaring, blatant anti-Israel hate speech at EU
Olga Deutsch writes on how vitriolic anti-Israel hate speech in the EU is tolerated and ignored.
[Opinion] How can the EU want closer ties with Israel while funding terror NGOs?
Olga Deutsch examines European Union funding to PFLP-linked NGOs.
[Opinion] Time for anti-Israel human rights NGOs to change their tune
Olga Deutsch analyzes the dichotomy between Israel Independence Day and Palestinian Nakba Day.
[Opinion] How the EU and US allow anti-Israel NGOs to thrive in the UN
On September 22, the UN marked the 20th anniversary of its infamous Durban Conference and the virulent NGO Forum. The anniversary event added to the much-needed discussion about antisemitic attacks on the State of Israel by politicized NGOs that claim to promote human rights and universal values.
[Opinion] Europa Europa: Europe’s Terror-linked NGO Problem
Olga Deutsch analyzes NGOs with links to terror.
20 שנה לוועידת דרבן, שהפכה לאירוע אנטישמי ואנטי־ציוני
בציון המאורע, שווה לעצור ולבחון עד כמה באמת הצליחו אותם ארגונים במשימתם. עלינו להביט קדימה, ולהחזיר את מדינת ישראל ואת הציונות למקומן המאחד עבור כל עם ישראל
[Opinion] What have we done to stop the funding of terrorism?
Olga Deutsch discusses foreign funding to organizations involved in terrorist activities.
מה עשינו להפסקת מימון הטרור
החשודים המרכזיים ברצח בתו של שנרב הגדירו את עצמם והוגדרו על ידי המערב כ"פעילי זכויות אדם". כולם הועסקו בארגונים הטוענים לקידום זכויות אדם ולסיוע הומניטרי, הנתמכים כספית על ידי האיחוד האירופי, גרמניה, צרפת, הולנד, איטליה וספרד.
[Opinion] Why France's shutdown of a pseudo-human rights NGO is so important
Olga Deutsch discusses the French government shut down of NGO CCIF (Collectif contre l'islamophobie en France),
[Opinion] Why is it so hard for European governments to defund NGOs, even over terror ties?
Olga Deutsch analyzes how even though governments have vetting procedures that should prevent the abuse of taxpayers’ funds, time and again, evidence emerges showing that they cooperate with entities linked to terror groups.
[Opinion] Leadership & Engagement in Times of Crisis
NGO Monitor Vice President Olga Deutsch and Nuno Warhon Martins discuss the need for critical leadership to combat antisemitism.
Civil Society Organizations: Non-Traditional Actors in the Process of Radicalization
Professor Gerald Steinberg and Olga Deutsch argue that policy makers and the international community overlook a significant impediment to deradicalization efforts within civil society, particularly in the context of providing development aid.
[Opinion] How one NGO cries wolf at the expense of Palestinians
Olga Deutsch replies to accusations by PNGO that it pressured a Brussels newspaper to "silence Palestine in EU circles."
[Opinion] Ireland’s hypocritical approach to foreign meddling
Olga Deutsch discusses the attempt by foreign actors to influence Ireland's abortion referendum.
[Opinion] Ahed Tamimi’s Role Models
On International Women's Day, Olga Deutsch asks who are the female leaders in Palestinian society that serve as role models for Tamimi and other Palestinian girls.
[Opinion] How Int’l Aid is Shrinking Civil Space: Case of the Palestinian NGO Network
European funding for strengthening civil society should consider whether some NGO recipients may actually be contributing to shrinking civil space. At least one Palestinian organization uses control of foreign donations to enforce uniformity of thought amongst local NGOs.
[Opinion] Germany and Israel: A missed opportunity
Olga Deutsch argues that Germany must address its funding of highly politicized NGOs that manipulate human rights rhetoric and whitewash violence.
'בצלם' ו'שוברים שתיקה' - לא הסכנה האמיתית
למרות תשומת הלב הרבה שלה הם זוכים, שני הארגונים הישראלים אינם המזיקים ביותר, אלא ארגוני זכויות אדם שנתמכים בידי גרמניה ומקדמים בפועל אלימות וטרור. ביקור נשיא גרמניה בישראל היה עוד הזדמנות שהוחמצה להפנות את השיח לנושאים החשובים באמת
[Opinion] Facts are more powerful than restrictive policies
Olga Deutsch argues that Israel must show leadership in revealing the facts regarding organizations and their activities, instead of defaulting to policies that only further fuel the discourse and are exploited to isolate the State
[Opinion] Addressing Common Challenges- Why Restrictive NGO Measures are not the Answer
Olga Deutsch argues that the way to resolve the issue of government-funded NGOs is to engage in constructive, civil dialogue that strengthen the shared values between Israel and Europe.
[Opinion] Civil society in the whirlpool of terror
Olga Deutsch points to NGO ties to terrorist organizations as demonstrating the need for greater accountability and transparency on part of both NGOs are their donors.